HL7 Denmark - Welcome!

HL7 Denmark

Health Level Seven Denmark (HL7 Denmark) is a national affiliate on standards for interoperability of health information technology. The Danish affiliate is dedicated to profiling and integrating standards into national use. HL7 Denmark's vision is to create the best and most widely used standards in healthcare through a common definition of ethical rules and a comprehensive framework. The purpose of the Danish affiliate is to expand the use of HL7 but also to ensure that the standards are adapted to the Fast Healthcare Interoperability Resources ( FHIR ), which is HL7's next generation standards framework. HL7 Denmark is active in the development of international standards, by participating in international working groups, webinars etc. Danish Standards is the secretariat of HL7 Denmark Dansk standard. Members-only area can be found here. Activity of the DK FHIR SIG (Special Interest Group) can be tracked at https://github.com/hl7dk. DK FHIR SIG Meeting minutes can be found at https://confluence.hl7.org/display/HD/HL7+Denmark+Home.

Procurement recommendations from the Danish affiliate

HL7 FHIR (hereafter FHIR) is under ongoing development, under international auspices under HL7 and under Danish auspices under the Danish HL7 affiliate. This means, among other things, that new versions are continuously published, which can influence IT acquisitions. To help with the acquisition of IT solutions, including tenders, HL7 Denmark has prepared this description. The document is intended as guidance for inspiration and help for setting requirements regarding the use of FHIR. The document touches, for example, on the handling of versions in relation to further development and inspiration for making demands connection with national FHIR profiling in acquisitions where the organization wants to use FHIR.

Find the recommendation here.

FHIR Implementations in Denmark

There exists many FHIR enabled systems and applications in Denmark and more than the Danish affiliate know of. This section is intended to give stakeholders a brief introduction to some of the FHIR enabled applications in Denmark. The overview is far from complete and may evolve over time, but hopefully it can be an inspiration for new projects.

Read more about the FHIR Implementation in Denmark here.

About HL7

Health Level Seven International, http://www.hl7.org/, is an international not-for-profit, accredited standards developing organization serving the healthcare industry with a focus on clinical and administrative data. HL7 International has more than 2000 members from approximately 500 companies in over 50 countries, which together represent more than 90 % of the information systems, which serve health organizations worldwide. The members represent healthcare providers, government stakeholders, consumers, pharmaceutical companies, vendors/suppliers, and consulting firms.

See the latest versions of the various HL7 DK Affiliate Implementation Guides

Current DK Core DK Core current Implementation Guide
Historical DK Core's DK Core historical releases


To get in contact with HL7 DK, please create a thread on Zulip, create an issue on GitHub, or send an email to dk-affiliate@hl7.dk.