Validation Results for DKCore

Generated Tue Nov 08 22:32:04 CET 2022, FHIR version 4.0.1 for (canonical = (history)). See Full QA Report

Quality Checks
Publisher Version:IG Publisher Version: v1.2.14
Publication Code:n/a . PackageId =, Canonical =
Realm Check for n/a:
  • n/a
Publication Request:
  • A publication request exists to post this version (v2.1.0) to with status release in sequence Release
  • No publication request desc found (it is recommended to provide a shorter desc as well as descmd
  • descmd cannot contain a '
Supressed Messages:No Suppressed Issues
Dependency Checks:
PackageVersionFHIR ReleaseCanonicalWeb BaseComment
... hl7.terminology.r45.0.0 M4.0.1http://terminology.hl7.org
Templates: -> fhir.base.template#current
Dependent IGs:no references
Global Profiles:(none declared)
HTA Analysis:All OK
R5 Dependencies:(none)
Modifier Extensions:(none)
Previous Version Comparison: Comparison with version 2.0.0
IPA Comparison: n/a
Summary: errors = 0, warn = 7, info = 8, broken links = 0
Build Errors040

n/a Show Validation Information

1warningThe HTML fragment 'ip-statements.xhtml' is not included anywhere in the produced implementation guide
2warningAn HTML fragment from the set [cross-version-analysis.xhtml, cross-version-analysis-inline.xhtml] is not included anywhere in the produced implementation guide
3warningAn HTML fragment from the set [dependency-table.xhtml, dependency-table-short.xhtml] is not included anywhere in the produced implementation guide
4warningThe HTML fragment 'globals-table.xhtml' is not included anywhere in the produced implementation guide

fsh-generated/resources/StructureDefinition-NotFollowedAnymore.json Show Validation Information (1)

StructureDefinition.where(url = '')warningThe Implementation Guide contains no examples for this extension

fsh-generated/resources/StructureDefinition-lpr3-Identifier.json Show Validation Information (1)

StructureDefinition.where(url = '')warningThe Implementation Guide contains no examples for this data type profile

fsh-generated/resources/ValueSet-dk-marital-status.json Show Validation Information (1)

ValueSetwarningThe ShareableValueSet profile recommends that the name element is populated, but it is not found. HL7 Published value sets SHALL conform to the ShareableValueSet profile

Suppressed Messages (Warnings, hints, broken links)

No suppressed messsages

Errors sorted by type


fsh-generated/resources/Condition-ConditionPressureUlcer.jsonCode System URI 'urn:oid:' is unknown so the code cannot be validated
fsh-generated/resources/Condition-ElseGraviditet.jsonCode System URI 'urn:oid:' is unknown so the code cannot be validated
fsh-generated/resources/Condition-JohnDiabetes.jsonCode System URI 'urn:oid:' is unknown so the code cannot be validated
fsh-generated/resources/Condition-JohnMelanoma.jsonCode System URI 'urn:oid:' is unknown so the code cannot be validated


fsh-generated/resources/ValueSet-dk-marital-status.jsonThe ShareableValueSet profile recommends that the name element is populated, but it is not found. HL7 Published value sets SHALL conform to the ShareableValueSet profile