HL7 FHIR Implementation Guide: DK Core
3.4.0 - release
This page is part of the HL7 FHIR Implementation Guide: DK Core (v3.4.0: Release) based on FHIR (HL7® FHIR® Standard) R4. This is the current published version. For a full list of available versions, see the Directory of published versions
The following profiles set the base expectations for interacting with a system adhering to the danish FHIR DK CORE Implementation Guide :
HL7 Denmark core profile for basic observations, which is a profiling of DkCoreObservation.
HL7 Denmark core profile for professionally asserted conditions, as specified by danish health and social care organizations
HL7 Denmark core profile for locations
HL7 Denmark core profile for observations
HL7 Denmark core profile for a danish health organization
HL7 Denmark core profile for a patient
HL7 Denmark core profile for requesting a service, such as diagnostic investigations, nursing services, treatments, and more for a Patient.
HL7 Denmark core profile for health professional roles
HL7 Denmark core profile for health professionals and other actors relevant in citizen and patient pathways
HL7 Denmark core profile for a related person
The following profiles for IPA FHIR profiles have been defined for this implementation guide.
HL7 Denmark core profile for IPA and DK Core compliant conditions
HL7 Denmark core profile for IPA and DK Core compliant observations
HL7 Denmark core profile for IPA and DK Core compliant patients
HL7 Denmark core profile for IPA and DK Core compliant practitioners
HL7 Denmark core profile for IPA and DK Core compliant practitionerroles
The following profiles for FHIR datatypes have been defined for this implementation guide.
Identifier holding the official [authorization identifier](https://en.stps.dk/en/health-professionals-and-authorities/online-register-registered-health-professionals/) for a practitioner.
This structure holds the danish [CPR](https://cpr.dk/) identifier
Identifier holding a danish [CVR](https://datacvr.virk.dk/data/) number.
This strucure holds the danish [D-eCPR](https://www.nspop.dk/pages/viewpage.action?pageId=226757583#eCPRFormater(XeCPRogDeCPR)-Formatetfordecentraleerstatningspersonnumre-D-eCPR) identifier, which is often used by the Danish regions.
Identifier holding a 13 digit GLN
Identifier holding the organization code issued by KOMBIT
Offical MedCom code describing the producer of lab results
Identifier holding the official SOR identifier for a danish healthcare organization
This strucure holds the danish [X-eCPR](https://www.nspop.dk/pages/viewpage.action?pageId=226757583#eCPRFormater(XeCPRogDeCPR)-Formatetfornationaleerstatningspersonnumre-X-eCPR) identifier, maintained by the Danish Health Data Authority.