HL7 FHIR Implementation Guide: DK Core
3.4.0 - release Denmark flag

This page is part of the HL7 FHIR Implementation Guide: DK Core (v3.4.0: Release) based on FHIR (HL7® FHIR® Standard) R4. This is the current published version. For a full list of available versions, see the Directory of published versions

Artifacts Summary

This page provides a list of the FHIR artifacts defined as part of this implementation guide.

Structures: Resource Profiles

These define constraints on FHIR resources for systems conforming to this implementation guide.

Danish Core Basic Observation Profile

HL7 Denmark core profile for basic observations, which is a profiling of DkCoreObservation.

Danish Core Condition Profile

HL7 Denmark core profile for professionally asserted conditions, as specified by danish health and social care organizations

Danish Core Location Profile

HL7 Denmark core profile for locations

Danish Core Observation Profile

HL7 Denmark core profile for observations

Danish Core Organization Profile

HL7 Denmark core profile for a danish health organization

Danish Core Patient Profile

HL7 Denmark core profile for a patient

Danish Core Person ServiceRequest Profile

HL7 Denmark core profile for requesting a service, such as diagnostic investigations, nursing services, treatments, and more for a Patient.

Danish Core Practitioner Profile

HL7 Denmark core profile for health professionals and other actors relevant in citizen and patient pathways

Danish Core PractitionerRole Profile

HL7 Denmark core profile for health professional roles

Danish Core Related Person Profile

HL7 Denmark core profile for a related person

Danish IPA Core Condition Profile

HL7 Denmark core profile for IPA and DK Core compliant conditions

Danish IPA Core Observation Profile

HL7 Denmark core profile for IPA and DK Core compliant observations

Danish IPA Core Patient Profile

HL7 Denmark core profile for IPA and DK Core compliant patients

Danish IPA Core Practitioner Profile

HL7 Denmark core profile for IPA and DK Core compliant practitioners

Danish IPA Core PractitionerRole Profile

HL7 Denmark core profile for IPA and DK Core compliant practitionerroles

Structures: Data Type Profiles

These define constraints on FHIR data types for systems conforming to this implementation guide.

Danish Central Business Register (CVR) Identifier

Identifier holding a danish CVR number.

Danish Central Person Register (CPR) Identifier

This structure holds the danish CPR identifier

Danish Health Professionals Authorization Identifier

Identifier holding the official authorization identifier for a practitioner.

Decentralised eCPR, called D-eCPR

This strucure holds the danish D-eCPR identifier, which is often used by the Danish regions.

GLN Identifier

Identifier holding a 13 digit GLN

Kombit Organsation Identifier

Identifier holding the organization code issued by KOMBIT

National eCPR service, called X-eCPR

This strucure holds the danish X-eCPR identifier, maintained by the Danish Health Data Authority.

Producent Id

Offical MedCom code describing the producer of lab results

SOR Identifier

Identifier holding the official SOR identifier for a danish healthcare organization

Structures: Extension Definitions

These define constraints on FHIR data types for systems conforming to this implementation guide.


Extension for the last date a Condition-instance was confirmed valid in its current state. E.g. with its current clinical- and verification status, stage and severity. Typically the last performed follow-up

Danish Core Municipality codes

Identifier holding the official identifier for a danish municipality

Danish Core Regional Sub Division Codes Extension

Identifier holding the official organization identifier for a danish region


Extension for the date where a condition lost focus in a specific clinical context

Terminology: Value Sets

These define sets of codes used by systems conforming to this implementation guide.

DK Core LOINC Basic Observations

LOINC codes describing Basic Observations usable in Denmark.

DK Core Marital Status

This value set defines the set of codes that can be used to indicate the marital status of a person in Denmark.

DK Core NPU Basic Observation

NPU codes for Basic Observations usable in Denmark

DK Core SNOMED CT Basic Observation

SNOMED CT codes for Basic Observations usable in Denmark

DK Core UCUM Basic Units

UCUM codes to represent units for basic Observations usable in Denmark

DK D-eCPR OID values

DK D-eCPR OID values

DK Extended Patient Contact Relationship

DK Extended Patient Contact Relationship

DK Municipality Codes

Municipality codes used in Denmark

DK Profession Group

DK Profession Group codes

DK Regional Subdivision Codes

Subdivision codes (Regional codes) used in Denmark

DK Related Person Relationship Types

DK Related Person Relationship Types

DK SOR Organization Type

Value set used for indicating the organization type for organizations from SOR

DK TechniquesSCTCodes

SNOMED CT Codes for the technique used when obtaining an observation

DK codes for ServiceRequest

Value set used to describe Danish healthcare services

DK priority codes

DK Codes for priority

Dk Core IEEE Basic Observation

IEEE MDC codes for Basic Observations usable in Denmark

Terminology: Code Systems

These define new code systems used by systems conforming to this implementation guide.

DK Address Type

The type of an address (physical / postal)

DK Address Use

The use of an address

DK Administrative Gender Supplement

CodeSystem supplement with danish translations for administrative gender

DK CareTeam Status

Indicates the status of the care team.

DK Consent State

Indicates the state of the consent

DK Days Of Week

The days of the week.

DK Decentralised eCPR Systems


DK Episode Of Care Status

The status of the episode of care.

DK Greenland Municipality Codes

Greenland municipality codes as defined by https://www.iso.org/obp/ui/#iso:code:3166:GL and https://cpr.dk/cpr-systemet/kommunesammenlaegninger-opdeling/groenland-2018/

DK Marital Statuses

DK marital statuses

DK Municipality Codes

Municipality codes as defined by https://danmarksadresser.dk/adressedata/kodelister/kommunekodeliste/ and https://sundhedsdatastyrelsen.dk/-/media/sds/filer/rammer-og-retningslinjer/patientregistrering/relaterede/kommuneklassifikation.pdf

DK NPU Subset

DK NPU Subsetted code system used in DK Core. The full version of NPU can be found at http://labterm.dk

DK Profession Group Codes

DK health ProfessionGroup codes as defined by https://www.retsinformation.dk/eli/lta/2019/731, and derived from http://autregwebservice.sst.dk/autregservice.asmx/GetAllProfessionGroups. Code (5176) was not uniqe, and have been converted to 5176a and 5176b

DK Publication Status

The lifecycle status of a Value Set or Concept Map.

DK Regional Subdivision Codes

Subdivision codes (Regional codes) used in Denmark as found on https://www.iso.org/obp/ui/#iso:code:3166:DK

DK Related Person Relationship Codes

DK Related Person Relationship Codes

DK Request Status

Codes identifying the stage lifecycle stage of a request

DK Role Code

CodeSystem supplement with danish translations for RoleCode

DK v2 Contact Role Supplement

CodeSystem supplement with danish translations for Contact Role

Terminology: Naming Systems

These define identifier and/or code system identities used by systems conforming to this implementation guide.


The Danish civil registration system ("CPR") encompasses basic personal data about anyone with a civil registration number. A civil registration number shall be allocated to anyone who: 1) is registered in the national register in Denmark on the grounds of birth or relocation from abroad; 2) is included under Arbejdsmarkedets TillægsPension (ATP); 3) according to the tax authorities, is required to have a civil registration number for the purpose of tax processing in Denmark.


SOR is provided by the Danish Health Data Authority under the Danish Ministry of Health. The register holds organizations within the Danish health sector, their geographical and virtual addresses as well as codes for their identification and for EDI-communication. Danish Health Data Authority is responsible for issuing and publishing codes to identify organizations across health care sectors and related public and private services. SOR includes organizational data on hospitals, the primary care sector (physiotherapists, general practitioners, dentists etc.) and municipal health service organizations as well as non-health care organizations that need to be able to receive data from the former.

Example: Example Instances

These are example instances that show what data produced and consumed by systems conforming with this implementation guide might look like.


Eksempel på lægen Abraham fra akutsygeplejen

Center for Diabetes

Center for Diabetes

Center for Diabetes Team Diabetes

Center for Diabetes Team Diabetes

Center for Diabetes Team Hjerte

Center for Diabetes Team Hjerte

Center for Diabetes Team Kvalitet

Center for Diabetes Team Kvalitet

Coincident time stamp from Poul's home blood pressure measurement

A coincident time stamp observation is used to ensure and inspect the consistency of timelines when using battery-operated health devices having their own clock that may or may not be synchronized to local time - and may even travel with their owner across time zones.

Else Graviditet

Else Graviditet, tilstandskode som indberettes ifm Elses ambulante forløb (fx jordemoder), og ved eventuel indlæggelse i graviditeten

Else's TOBS measurements

An example of TOBS (Danish: Tidlig opsporing af begyndende sygdom), which includes level of consciousness, heart rate, respiration rate, blood pressure and temperature.


Elses smerte målt med VRS

Example of a patient with confidential address and name

Example of a patient with confidential address and name

Example of a related person with two relations

Example of a person that has relations as both neighbor and primary caretaker

Example of a woman of childbearing age

Example of a woman of childbearing age. Else is a MedCom test-patient

Example of child as related person

Example of child as related person

Example of valid patient unknown identifier registry

Example of valid patient unknown identifier registry. The patient is a 'John Doe' with an Identifier from an unofficial register

Example of valid patient with a D-eCPR as identifier

Example of valid patient with a D-eCPR as identifier.

Example of valid patient with a X-eCPR as identifier

Example of valid patient with a X-eCPR as identifier.

Example of valid patient with danish marital status

Example of valid patient with danish marital status

Example of valid patient with full address

Example of valid patient with full address

Example of valid patient with multiple names

Example of valid patient with multiple names


Eksempel på socialrådgiveren Hanne

Henvisning vedr. modermærkekræft

Henvisning fra læge til sygehus vedr. mistanke om at John har modermærkekræft

John diabetes

Johns diabetes-diagnose, udskrivningsdiagnose fra hospitalet fx til brug i indberetning og epikrise

John fraktur

Johns fraktur-diagnose, udskrivningsdiagnose fra hospitalet med tillægskode

John mistanke om Modermærkekræft

Johns mistanke om modermærkekræft i huden, kan fx bruges som henvisningsdiagnosese

John pacemaker

Johns status efter pacemakeroperation, udtrykt semantisk korrekt med fund frem for operationskode

John tryksår

John, tryksår, kommunal tilstand

John's Respiratory rate measurement (Basic observation)

A simple basic observation of a hyperventilating patient

John's oxygen saturation measurement (Basic observation)
John's oxygen saturation measurement (Observation)

This example suggests a way to handle the oxygen saturation case, where the original measurement was reported in '%' by a device or typed in manually, and then 'translated' to the NPU system, which requires the value to be unitless.


Praktisernede læge i Hasseris, som defineret af SOR

Licensed physician in primary care

This is an example of PractitionerRole profile. The example describes the service which practitioner is performing in a specific location in a specific role.

Max TOKS measurements, including Glasgow Coma Scale assesment

An example of TOBS (Danish: Tidlig opsporing af begyndende sygdom), which includes level of consciousness, heart rate, respiration rate, blood pressure and temperature.

MedCom Test Organization

MedCom Test Organization with SOR id

Placeholder for a physician

This is an example of PractitionerRole where it acts as a placeholder for an unknown person. This may be useful in several scenarios.

Poul Hansen

A patient admitted to a remote monitoring programme, performing measurements at home.

Poul's A&D blood pressure monitor

This device is Poul's personal blood pressure monitor, which he keeps in the bedroom of his home, and uses for daily monitoring due to his CHF condition.

Poul's A&D weight scale

This device is Poul's personal weighing scale, which he keeps in the bathroom of his home, and uses for daily monitoring due to his CHF condition.

Poul's daily weighing on Feb. 21st

Poul has been instructed to perform a daily weighing in the morning. This is his daily weighing from Feb. 21st 2023.

Poul's heart rate measurement

Poul has been instructed to measure his blood pressure due to his CHF condition. This heart rate measurement was produced by his blood pressure monitor during one of these measurements.

Poul's home blood pressure measurement

This example demonstrates a DkCoreObservation and Continua-compliant bundle containing a home blood pressure measurement uploaded to a Continua-compliant "FHIR Observation Reporting Server".

Poul's remote patient monitoring app

Poul has been enrolled in a Remote Patient Monitoring programme in order to monitor the state of his CHF condition. This is the app he uses to report the data to his doctor.

Producer Test Organization

Producer of Lab Results Test Organization

Request for nursing care of John.

Request for nursing care of John.

Request for nursing care of John.

Request for nursing care of John.


Eksempel på en sygeplejerske


Ambulance provided by Acme Corp



These are resources that are used within this implementation guide that do not fit into one of the other categories.


SNOMED CT expansion parameter